Not every Orbus installation requires an engineer’s visit. In some cases, we just need
your current provider to deactivate their service so we can switch you onto your new
Orbus fibre plan.
If an Engineer Visit is Needed
If an engineer visit is required (you’ll have arranged this at booking),
here’s what to expect:
- Before the Visit: We’ll email you a reminder, and you’ll receive any necessary
equipment, such as your Orbus router, a couple of days in advance. We recommend
downloading the Orbus setup app and creating an account to streamline the setup.
- On Installation Day: Our engineer will contact you before arrival. When they get to
your property, they’ll show ID and explain the process before they begin.
Depending on how our network connects in your area, they’ll either:
- Install your fibre connection using an overhead line from a nearby pole or via a
narrow trench up to your property.
- Set up a new connection box on the outside wall and a smaller box inside where it’s
least obtrusive.
- If equipment is already installed, they’ll check and resolve any issues to ensure
it’s working optimally.
Once connected, they’ll run a series of quality tests to confirm your Orbus fibre
broadband is live and functioning.
If No Engineer Visit is Required
If no visit is needed, your current provider will simply deactivate their service, and
Orbus will connect you over the existing fibre line. This process might take a couple
of hours, during which you could briefly be offline. We’ll email you as soon as your
line is active.
Final Steps
The entire installation generally takes about 2-3 hours. Once complete, you’ll receive
an email confirming your Orbus fibre broadband is up and running—then you’re ready to
enjoy your new connection!